Sunday 22 September 2013

I Choose To Be A Runner

Last Saturday was one of those busy days for me that left me feeling tired by the time it was 2pm. After our family did the Freedom Walk, Kevin had to head to practice right away so Iyla and I went for another stroll.

A few hours and miles later we were on our way back home and I knew I still had a 9 mile run I was suppose to do, 7 of those miles at MP (marathon pace). During that ride I got in my head about how tired I was and how if I run I won't get to spend much time with Kevin and how easy it would be just to skip my workout since the rest of my week I ran so good. While playing this out in my head I was already feeling guilty about this decision and was trying to figure out a new plan. Kevin could sense something was up since I wasn't so chatty, and asked what was going on.

I explained my dilemma and he agreed that if I didn't run, I'd probably wish I did. Solution time started to generate, and I had to break down what was most important about this run. The marathon pace mileage is what needed to get done. 7 miles at marathon pace, I could cut out the warm-up and cooldown mile. This would mean that I would only be running for an hour and have more family time. It's not that the warm-up and cooldown don't matter, it's not something I recommend doing all the time but for this day it worked for me and my family.

Once home I took a 30 minute catnap, to liven up a bit (I could have slept longer to be honest), got my runners on and hit the pavement.I was fortunate that the weather was nice that day and my body was already warm and I could just jump right into my stride. When I ran past the 10 minute mark my legs felt refreshed and I started feeling really good. I got home feeling GREAT and happy that I achieved my goal and ran 7 miles at marathon pace, actually faster than my marathon pace!

Moral of the story is that sometimes I don't always want to get out the door and do my training runs even though I love to run. It's a choice! I choose to be a runner! I choose to be a mom/parent that runs! I choose health for myself and for my family! When I return from my runs and from the choices I make I know I am 1000 times (maybe a bit exagerated) happier than I was when I started. I am always grateful that I decided to stick it out and get on the road and complete what I started.

I don't know the choices Iyla will make when she's older but I DO know that she will know what it is to have a choice. She will know what health and wellness is and by being part of the Souter clan, she will experience it every day!

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