Wednesday 13 February 2013

Tuesday Track Day!

Where do you find yourself on a Tuesday?

Back in University it was Taco Tuesday for most of us that attended Graceland University and now you can find me most Tuesday Evenings at York University with the Personal Best team doing speed work.

I was actually debating to go yesterday evening due to a nagging left achilles  tendon after my long run Sunday. It felt a bit better yesterday and I knew even if I couldn't do too much I'd enjoy the great company of all those there.

What I love about training at York and with this group are the following things:

-THE PEOPLE...This is key for me, and what can make or break what I do!
- The atmosphere...At York your surrounded by such talented athletes at every corner and its easy to stay motivated with all this energy in a space.
- Indoors... You already know I'm not the biggest fan of the winter and cold, I love training inside once a week where the environment is set and I don't have to worry about what to wear to keep my body temp happy.
-Yoga...Personal Best does a great job of always ending with a 30min yoga session after to stretch out and strengthen balance and core. I truly believe that this is vital to prevent injuries and a great practice for more runners to use post training.
-Tips from Tri Guru Hans( hopefully Hans doesn't mind me sharing tips on his behalf)...Hans is a great runner and athlete who always comes to train at 100% with a wide smile and infectious personality. Hailing from Germany I love listening to him talk and share his wisdom. Most recently I learned some unique insider tidbits to gain a personal competitive edge on competition. This includes heavy breathing behind your opponent and or breathing opposite to the runner your close to, this can throw them off their cycle mentally.
-Sean Bechtel...He's our coach for these evenings and puts us through our paces. Last night he had us doing 4 or 5x pending how quick you finished (1 lap fast, 3 laps steady, 1 recovery). My pace for the fast lap has increased from 40sec to 50sec and my steady laps I tried to stay between 1min4sec to 1min5. By the third set my first steady lap after my fast went up to 1m12...and I noticed my breath recovery took longer. I really zoned into my breathing tonight just making sure I wasn't over doing it with the baby and or my achilles. To be honest it felt better during my fast laps than my slow recovery...That's when I felt my Achilles more.

All is good now since I have the rest of the week to rest it till my next long run. Till then I'll place my focus on my weight training and yoga.

Lastly here is a photo I took right before I left. Unfortunately I waited late in the game to take it, so majority of the group was gone. More will be coming your way in the next few weeks.

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